Roy, C. 2009. Catalogue des types des innovations taxonomique decrites par l'abbe Ernest Lepage. Provencheria No. 31
Faubert, J. 2007. Catalogue des types des bryophytes du Quebec et du Labrador. Provencheria No. 30
Crowder, A., K. Topping & J. Topping. 1996. Plants of the Kingston Region: 1996.
White, D.J., E. Haber & C. Keddy. 1993. Invasive plants of natural habitats in Canada. Canadian Museum of Nature.
Argus, G.W. & K.M. Pryer. 1990. Rare vascular plants in Canada: Our natural heritage. Canadian Museum of Nature.
Argus, G.W. & D.J. White. 1982-1987. Atlas of Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario. National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Downier, M. & M. Hamilton. 1980. And some brought flowers. University of Toronto Press. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Ireland, R.R. & R.F. Cain. 1975. Checklist of the mosses of Ontario. National Museum of Natural Sciences. Publication in Botany No. 5.
Beschel, R.E., A.E. Garwood, R. Hainault, I.D. Macdonald, S.P. van der Kloet & C.H. Zavitz. 1970. Checklist of the vascular plants of the Kingston region. Publication of the Fowler Herbarium Queen's University No. 2. 92 pp.
Popular Articles
Crowder. A. 2008. Update of Plants of the Kingston Region: 1996. Blue Bill 55:56-66.
Smith, W. 1996. Chinquapin oaks in eastern Ontario. Blue Bill 43: 30.
Crowder, A. 1993. the role of submerged plants in lakes. Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority Newsletter.
Crowder, A. 1993. Invasive plants. Blue Bill 40:132-133.
Smith, W. 1993. Report on the fern outing at Q.U.B.S. Field Botanists of Ontario Newsletter 6:14-15.
Crowder, A. 1992. Frog-bit. Blue Bill 39: 2-4.
Crowder, A. 1992. Teasel. Blue Bill 38: 61-64.
Smith, W. 1991. Trip to Stoco Fen. Field Botanists of Ontario Newsletter Fall 1991:14.
Pringle, J. 1987. Annotated keys to the ferns of the Kingston region. Blue Bill 34: 2-23.
Macdonald, I.D. 1987. Life Sciences areas of natural and Scientific Interest in Site District 6-15. PresquÃile coastal multiple bar complex and coastal wetlands. OMNR, Kemptville.
Garwood, A.E. 1986. Black alder (Ainus glutinosa (L.) Baertn.) an introduced tree new for the Kingston region. Plant Press 4:55.
Garwood, A.E. 1986. Botanical note from the Fowler Herbarium. Blue Bill 33:1207.
Garwood, A.E. 1985. New aquatic species for Kingston region. Blue Bill 32:42.
Fowler Herbarium Workshop on wetlands in the Kingston Region. 1985. Fowler Herbarium, Queen's University.
Fowler Herbarium Workshop Report 1984. Environmental Inventory and Planning in the Kingston Area. Fowler Herbarium, Queen's University.
Crowder, A.A. 1982. The Kinston Region: the Flora. Seasons 22: 16-19.
Crowder, A.A. 1982. The status of five rare plants in the Kingston area. Blue Bill 29: 50-52.
Crowder, A.A. 1980. Rare plants in the Kingston area. Blue Bill 26: 59-60.
Crowder, A.A. 1979. Continued spread of dogstrangling vine or swallowworts, Vincetoxicum nigrum and medium. Blue Bill 26: 59-60.
Garwood, A.E. 1977. Rare plant near the lighthouse. Blue Bill 24: 27.
Garwood, A.E. 1976. Additions to the list of vascular plants of the Kingston region as recorded at the Fowler Herbarium, Queen's University. Blue Bill 23: 45.
Crowder, A.A. 1975. Survey of tree species at Otter Lake Sanctuary. Blue Bill 22: 42.
Woods, J.G. 1973. Rue Anemone in the St. Lawrence Islands National Park. Blue Bill 20: 35-36.
Crawford, K.C. 1972. Nodding Thistle. Blue Bill 19: 54-55.
Garwood, A.E. 1972. Eureka! - skunk cabbage. Blue Bill 19: 19.
Garwood, A.E. 1972. Of botanical interest. Blue Bill 19: 41-42.
van der Kloet, S. 1972. Deerberry rediscovered in the Thousand Islands. Blue Bill 19: 13-14.
Garwood, A.E. 1971. Some interesting botanical finds in 1970. Blue Bill 18: 16.
Beschel, R.E. 1970. Toadshade and virginia bluebells. Blue Bill 17: 23-26.
Beschel, R.E. 1970. Winter botanizing. Blue Bill 17: 4-6.
Macdonald, I.D. 1970. The vegetation and plant species of Rattray Marsh. Publication of the Fowler Herbarium Queen's University No. 3. 44 pp.
van der Kloet, S. 1970. The phenology of the lilac in the city of Kingston. Blue Bill 17: 7-11.
Beschel, R.E. 1969. When does it happen? FON phenology project. Ontario Naturalists' Newsletter 10: 5-6.
Beschel, R.E. 1969. From Wolf to Wolffia. Blue Bill 16: 53-55.
Garwood, A.E. 1969. Poisonous plants of the Kingston region. Blue Bill 16: 3-7.
Beschel, R.E. 1968. Noteworthy plants near Butterfield Lake, Jefferson County, N.Y. Blue Bill 15: 51-55.
Adlam, W.D. 1967. Pitch pine in Ontario. The 1000 Islander. Aug 1967, p.9.
Beschel, R.E. 1967. The cactus at Kaladar. Blue Bill 14: 11-12.
Dore, W.G. 1967. Canada's first botanic garden. Greenhouse-Garden 6: 6114.
Garwood, A.E. 1967. Some uncommon bog plants found near Kingston. Blue Bill 14: 45-46.
Zavitz, C.H. 1967. Some notes on our native evergreens. Blue Bill 14: 58-61.
Zavitz, C.H. 1967. Notes on the oaks of the Kingston region. Blue Bill 14: 28-29.
Beschel, R.E. 1966. A history of the biology department and the Fowler Herbarium of Queen's University. Publication of Fowler Herbarium No. 1. 14 pp.
Beschel, R.E. 1966. Spring flower survey in the Kingston region. Blue Bill 13: 4-11.
Dore, W.G. 1966. Opinion on the occurrence of arrow arum (Peltandra virginica) in Gananoque River. Blue Bill 13: 44-45.
Beschel, R.E. 1965. Vegetation of the Kingston region. Blue Bill 12: 7-12.
Beschel, R.E. 1965. Distribution of some spring flowers in the Kingston region. Blue Bill 12: 7-12.
Garwood, A.E. 1965. New localities for Arrow Arum (Peltandra virginica). Blue Bill 12: 57.
Garwood, A.E. & P. Little. 1962. Logan sanctuary plants. Blue Bill 9: 50-53.
Graduate Theses
O'Connell, L. 1997. Evolutionary differentiation in sexuality and life history in polyploid agamic Antennaria parlinii. M.Sc. thesis. Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
McNamee, S.D.W. 1997. Factors affecting the establishment of woody plants during old-field succession. M.Sc. thesis. Queen's University, Kingston.
McLaughlin, A. 1993. Submergent wetland distribution in the Bay of Quinte. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
St-Cyr, L. 1989. Iron plaque on Phragmites australis. Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Epp, G. 1986. Allocation of competitive ability and local coexistence in plants from two different aged hayfields. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Henderson, J.B. 1983. The European Skipper (Thymelicus lineola): population ecology and herbivory in an old field community. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Taylor, G.T. 1983. Copper and nickel tolerance in clones on Typha latifolia. Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
McBrien, H. 1983. Insect-plant interactive dynamics in an old-field community. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Mirehouse, P.D. 1983. Pollen-collecting tastes of individuals in two bumble bee species. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Schut, P.H. 1981. Some aspects of competition between Myriophyllum spicatum and other aquatic macrophytes. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
R.N. Starling. 1978. Modern pollen in the Salmon River. Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
McIntosh, H. 1978. Vegetation gradients and soil moisture at Lake Opinicon. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Taylor, G. 1977. Growth and distribution of Maianthemum canadense in the Thousand Islands region. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Craig, S.R. 1976. Seasonal development of structure in two macrophytic communities in Lake Opinicon, Ontario. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
van der Kloet, S.P. 1972. The North American blueberries revisited. Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Webber, P.J. 1971. Gradient analysis of the vegetation around the Lewis Valley, north-central Baffin Island, NWT. Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
McAlpine, S. 1971. Some ecological aspects of the spatial distribution of selected species of the genus Panicum. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Geography, Queen's University, Kingston.
Hainault, R. 1968. Flora of the islands of eastern Lake Ontario, Kingston. M.Sc. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Refereed Journal Articles
Bonser, S.P. and L. W. Aarssen. 2006. Meristem allocation and life history evolution in herbaceous plants. Can. J. Bot 84: 143-150.
Crowder, A., R. Harmsen, and S.E. Blatt. 2008. Notes on succession in Old Fields in Southeastern Ontario: the Herbs. Can. Field Nat. 121: 182-190.
Crowder, A.A., J.P. Smol, R. Dalrymple, R. Gilbert, A. Mathers and J. Price. 1996. Rates of natural and anthropogenic change in shoreline habitats in the Kingston basin, L. Ontario. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53:121-135.
Minns, C.K., V.W. Cairns, R.G. Randall, A. Crowder and A. McLaughlin. 1993. Macrophyte surveys of littoral habitats in Great Lakes Areas of Concern: the Bay of Quinte, Hamilton Harbour and Severn Sound. 1988-91. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1936.
Crowder, A. and A. McLaughlin. 1993. Wetlands and fish habitat in the Bay of Quinte. Bay of Quinte R.A.P. monitoring report No. 3, 1991. Annual rept. Bay of Quinte R.A.P. Kingston: 75-84.
Crowder, A. and D.S. Painter. 1991. Submerged macrophytes in L. Ontario: current knowledge, importance, threats to stability and needed studies. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 88:1530-1545.
Crowder, A., J. Topping, A.E. Garwood, M. Handford, C. Vardy & H. Bretzke. 1992. The arctic collection of the Fowler Herbarium, Queen's University, 1928-1977. Canadian Field Naturalist 106: 272.
Crowder, A., M.C. Pearson, P.J. Grubb & P.H. Langlois. 1990. Drosera L. Journal of Ecology 78: 233-267.
Crowder, A. & G.J. Taylor. 1984. Characteristics of sites occupied by wild lily-of-the-valley, Maianthemum canadense, on Hill Island, Ontario. Canadian Field Naturalist 98: 151-158.
Crowder, A. 1983. The frequency of introduced plants and litter on paths of indices as impact in the St. Lawrence Islands National Park, Ontario. Environmental Management 7: 345-354.
Crowder, A., B. McLaughlin, K. Rutherford & G. van Loon. 1982. Site factors affecting semi-natural vegetation on talings at Copper Cliff, Ontario. Reclamation Review. 1: 177-193.
McBrien, H., R. Harmsen & A. Crowder. 1982. A case of insect grazing affecting plant succession. Ecology 64: 1035-1039.
McNicol, D.K., R.J. Robertson & P.J. Weatherhead. 1982. Seasonal, habitat and sex-specific habits of red-winged blackbirds: implications for agriculture. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60: 3282-3289.
Starling, R.N. & A. Crowder. 1981. Pollen in the Salmon River System, Ontario, Canada. Review of Paleontology and Paleobotany 31: 311-334.
Crowder, A. and R.N. Starling. 1980. contemporary pollen in the Salmon River Rasin Review of Paleotology and Paleobotany 30: 11-26.
McNeill, J. and W.J. Cody. 1978. Species-area relationships for vascular plants of some St. Lawrence Islands. Canadian Field Naturalist 92: 10-18.
Bristow, J.M., A.A. Crowder, M.R. King & S. van der Kloet. 1977. The growth of macrophytes in the Bay of Quinte prior to sewage removal. Naturaliste Canadiene 104: 465-473.
Crowder, A., J.M. Bristow, M.R. King & S. van der Kloet. 1977. Distribution, seasonality and biomass of aquatic macrophytes in Lake Opinicon (eastern Ontario). Naturaliste Canadiene 104: 441-456.
Crowder, A., J.M. Bristow, M.R. King & S. van der Kloet. 1977. The aquatic macrophytes of some lakes in southeastern Ontario. Naturaliste Canadiene 104: 457-464.
van der Kloet, S.P. 1977. The taxonomic status of Vaccinium boreale. Canadian Journal of Botany 55: 281-288.
Crowder, A. 1974. The collection of bryophytes in the Fowler Herbarium, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. Canadian Field Naturalist 88: 47-55.
Crowder, A. and D. Cuddy. 1973. Pollen in a small river basin, Wilton Creek, Ontario. pp. 61-77, In Quaternary Plant Ecology. H. Birks & R.G. West (eds.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.
van der Kloet, S.P. 1973. The biological status of Pitch Pine, Pinus rigida Miller, in Ontario and adjacent New York. Canadian Field Naturalist 87: 249-253.
Hainault, R. 1969. Some features of the flora of the island of eastern Lake Ontario. Canadian Field Naturalist 80: 6-73.
Beschel, R.E. 1968. Taimestiku uurimine kagu-ontarios. Eesti Loodus 11: 423-425.
Brassard, G.R. and R.E. Beschel. 1968. The vascular flora of Tanquary Fjord, northern Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. Canadian Field Naturalist 82: 103-113.
van der Kloet, S.P. 1968. Occurrence of Rhus copallina in Leeds County, Ontario. Canadian Field Naturalist 82: 291-293.
Tippett, R. 1964. An investigation into the nature of the layering of deep water sediments in two eastern Ontario lakes. Canadian Journal of Botany 42: 1693-1709.
Beschel, R.E. and P.J. Webber. 1962. Gradient analysis in swamp forests. Nature 194: 207-209.
Beschel, R.E., P.J. Webber & R. Tippett. 1962. Woodland transects of the Frontenac Axis region, Ontario. Ecology 43: 386-396.
Dore, W.G. 1961. A centennial floristic census of Prescott Ontario. Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute 33: 49-115.
Klugh, A.B. 1908. The carices in the vicinity of Kingston. Ontario Natural Science Bulletin 4: 103-104.
Macoun, J. 1883-1902. Catalogue of Canadian plants. I-VII.
Macoun, J. and J. Gibson. 1878. Synopsis of the flora of the valley of the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes with descriptions of the rarer plants. Canadian Journal of Science Literature and History 15: 51-66, 161-176, 349-364, 429-435, 546-556.